{$filename}_lasttime"); shell_exec("wget -q -O $filename " . escapeshellcmd($url)); } return shell_exec("cat $filename"); } } function getWorkshopData() { global $url, $cacheduration; $csv = new parseCSV(); $csv->parse(download($url, $cacheduration)); // sort the list by date function cmp($rowa, $rowb) { $a = date("F dS H:i",strtotime($rowa["Start DateTime"])); $b = date("F dS H:i",strtotime($rowb["Start DateTime"])); if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } usort($csv->data,'cmp'); return $csv->data; } ?> Locations - Workshops at Unicon16 2012
Overview | Calendar | Locations
You can find many of the muni tours on Komoot.
Unicon16 Facilities in Google Maps

Questions or Suggestions?

Contact Felix Dietze:
Unicon Cellphone: 3458514390